Gebr. Dürrbeck
Kunststoffe GmbH
Bahnhofstr. 42
83128 Halfing

Phone. +49(0)80 55/90 69-0

Mail: info (at)

Dürrbeck Kunststoffe - Company

Dürrbeck Kunststoffe over the years


1956Founded by Marianne Dürrbeck in Munich.
1963Relocates to Halfing.
1969  The company expands, a 1.600 m² production hall is added.
1977Ludwig Dürrbeck, together with Alfred and Joachim Dürrbeck, forms Gebr. Dürrbeck Kunststoffe GmbH.
1980 Alfred and Joachim Dürrbeck join the board of management.
1991 Purchase of 30.000 m² company site in Buttelstedt (Thuringia) and production begins with 35 employees.
1999Further production halls are completed. The entire production area now covers 7.500 m². The first 3-layer film-blowing extrusion machine 7.500 m²
2005Completion of the printing hall and commissioning of an 8- colour central impression printing press ( Windmöller & Hölscher). The site becomes too small, purchase of an industrial site (approx. 30.000 m²) in Buttelstedt.
2006The production area is expandet to 11.000 m². With the commissioning of 2 further 3-layer film blowing extrusion machines (Windmöller & Hölscher) the company reaches a capacity of around 22.000 mt/p.a.
2007Purchase of an adhesive bag making machine, replacement of older production lines by new ones of better performance and diversification of product range.
Upgrading of the heat recovery system.
2008Investment in a security pouch and carrier bag production line.
2009Certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 2000 and HACCP.
2012 Certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001 and DIN EN ISO 50001
2013  Commissioning of an additional 8-colour central impression printing press (Windmöller & Hölscher)
2015Completion of a new hall for maintenance
2016 Completion of our logistics hall with a storage capacity of over 2,800 pallet spaces
2017Commissioning of a new side seam machine
2018Commissioning of a further side seam machine, certification according to DIN ISO 22000 and FSSC 22000